Overview Product Features

The Simplified Enterprise Platform (SEP): A powerful, integrated application development tool enabling technically-competent non-programmers to create and maintain fully customized, industry-strength enterprise database applications without the need for programming.

The simplified Enterprise Platform will allow business process owners, subject matter experts, or business analysts to go directly from design to implementation of custom enterprise applications. This gives you unprecedented control over the design of your systems, and in a fraction of the time of traditional development methods.

SEP's Data Bridge will allow all applications designed with it to interface with legacy databases.

We distinguish ourselves through our ability to:

  • Increase an organizations overall productivity by empowering business process owners to directly control the automation of their processes.

  • Decrease the cost and time needed to create custom software systems by as much as an order of magnitude.

  • Increase an organization's ROI on existing systems by allowing new applications to directly interface with them.
  • Simple: The simplified tools are designed to make the task of creating a new application as simple as possible. Our unique suite of tools allow anyone to point and click their way through the process of creating a database application.

  • Extensibility: Applications can be easily and quickly modified, enhanced or interfaced with existing applications. The Data Bridge component enables new applications to work with legacy data sources, preserving existing investments.

  • Distributed: A single system can be run on multiple computer systems, allowing a pooling of computer resources and sharing of data by different users .

  • Scalable: Systems can start on a few computers and easily expand to thousands. Applications can be designed and deployed with the confidence users won't outgrow them.

  • Platform and database independent: Supports multiple Operating systems and most major relational databases.

  • Speed in Deployment: The single platform architecture enables the deployment of custom solutions in far less time than using multiple tools from multiple vendors.

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